Talon Voice | Speech to Code | #Accessibility

Talon Voice Tutorial   Good Day Everyone! Today I want to bring to you all a software I found of use several months ago while battling idiopathic neuropathy (now healed). For about three weeks in March, I could not type without significant pain during my internship.  At the time, I thought it was Carpal Tunnel…

Sudoku Validator | Python w/ Tests

Hello, it has been a minute but I finally have a tutorial for you all: Sudoku Validator.  I first saw this question on Pramp.com (and yes I bombed it). I finally came up with a great solution that I feel is teachable enough. The question goes, “given a 9×9 grid, verify whether it is a…

I’m Back Update and learning my second programming language

Yes, I have been gone for a little over two months. I was volunteering as an English teacher in Quito, Ecuador. Now I’m back and more excited than ever. I will confess, however, that I have not programmed in the two whole months that I was abroad. I got back about two weeks ago and…

Upcoming Python projects

So this past week I have been thinking up ideas of things I should try building on my own from scratch. So far I have built about ten or more games ranging from a calculator to a Rock, Paper, Scissors game. I’m going to try to build these next programs completely on my own without…

H.O.P.E Conference Recap

So I went to the hope conference over the weekend, *applause*, and it was absolutely amazing. I met an artist that combined his photography skills with code that transformed the pictures he captured of people on the street into something that seemed very much unreal. One thing I did wish they had though was a…

Completed Codecademy Python

So two days ago I completed the entire Codecademy Python track. It feels good to have made it over the finish line. Now I have only to complete the final project involving a Markov chain of the sort. I’m still not exactly certain about how I will tackle this final project, but I will in…

Codecademy Pro. is. Awesome.

WARNING:  I am rereading this a day later and realize I sound like a child hype on sugar. Raw emotions down below. Proceed. So about four days ago I paid for Codecademy pro after reading somewhere about their final projects. Once I bought it, I loved it. I love building actually projects and understanding them….

5 weeks of no internet

Hello everyone! Sorry I was gone for such a long time, I was in Cuba for five weeks and getting WiFi was a hassle. It cost $2-3 dollars to buy a WiFi card to use internet. While in Cuba I still managed to study code though. I re-read some of my old code and downloaded…

Updates! 2nd Hackathon; Dual boot

Hey guys! So I am currently at a Hackathon right now having a good time. Unlike my last semester, which was my first Hackathon, this time I actually know how to code. Also unlike last semester there are barely any people here. This hackathon is about 98% female and there are only about 20 of…

Python 2 vs. 3

Well I am currently in a pickle. I have about 8 more python exercises in LPTHW and have recently been coming across a lot of anti- python 2 comments on several reddit posts. Apparently Python 2 is outdated and I should be learning Python 3. This is extremely annoying since most of the material online…

First game (from scratch) & Level 38 on LPTHW

So I’m back from spring break and finally completed another lesson. I learned about object oriented programming today and I absolutely understood everything! I also finished my second game today although I believe I was more original on this one because last time I had mostly copied Zed Shaw’s example. I’m so hype! I did…

Spring Break LPTHW Progress!

So I just completed exercise 20 on LPTHW. I was definitely slacking last week because I had 5 midterms. So thankfully, this week, I can finally be productive while most of my friends and acquaintances are traveling…. I console myself with the thought that I will be traveling for two months (I hope) this summer….