Rotate a Matrix: With New Array (Python)

Hello everyone. I have another algorithm for you all today. One I’ve been meaning to tackle for a while now. La rotation d’une matrice…Rotation of a Matrix! I have two versions for you all, both in Python. This post makes a copy of the original matrix and adds the correct values to it, the second…

Number Of Islands Tutorial (Python)

Hey everyone, glad to finally get this tutorial out to you all. I know I’ve been stating this for months now but I finally re-visited the question the other day and it was a lot less intimidating than when I had first seen the algorithm last year. I hope to simplify it for you all….

My First Onsite (Spotify)

*Hey if you are looking for information on a typical Spotify interview, you won’t find it in this post. I saw Google has this on the front page for Spotify interviews. This is my experience applying to the fellowship program. Check out Glassdoor. Good Luck. _________________________________________________________________________ This is a significant post because this was my…

1 year Job Hunt Update: QA? A+ cert? LeetCode Explore? A break.

Disclaimer: This post is extremely long. It’s a four month update. Also, I know I’m probably oversharing my life but this is “ColorfulCode’s Journey”. Remember that. Disclaimer 2: I’m re-reading this post and it comes off a bit dark at times. I’m fine, just burnt out. *Hey you all, this post is literally almost 2…

Interview Cake Review

Hey you all, I’ve been meaning to write a review about Interview Cake. Just to leave my feedback. I’ve solved/read through all of the 46 questions. There does not appear to be any unsponsored reviews from what I’ve researched, so here goes. Disclaimer: I am in no way being paid for this review and I…

Udacity Front-end Nano-degree so far

Hey you all. So i’m reviewing Udacity front-end Nano-degree so far. At the time I am writing this i’m 63% through the JavaScript section, which is section 3 of the Nano-degree. I’m reviewing part way just to update you all, and if worse case scenario I don’t get to complete it. I know the deadline…

Stack of Plates ~ Cracking the Code (Python)

Hello everyone, today I am showing you a Stack question out of Cracking the Coding Interview. The question is 3.3 in the Stacks and Queues chapter. I discovered this implementation on-line and commented it for better understanding. The video below is also an explanation of the process. The stack of plates question basically asks that,…


  So, I’ve decided to temporarily censor this post for about two weeks. I don’t want to delete it although it’s embarrassing but it’s part of my journey and I like to have an archive of my entire experience to look back on one day.  🙂 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ This entire process is demoralizing. They couldn’t even…

Sort Stack Python~ Cracking the Code

Hello, Everyone. I solved an algorithm in Cracking the Coding Interview a few days ago and thought i’d share my code since I could only find one partial Python implementation online. The first video below shows a visualization of what is expected. The second video is of me explaining the concept and implementing the code….

Round 4 Coding Challenge (Incomplete)

Hey readers, It has been two months since my last post. I am ending this challenge to begin a new one. Since my last post for round 4, I’ve only: Completed about 5 algorithms(on Code Wars) Applied to 145 jobs (in all rounds combined) Interviewed with Sparkbox (made to final round) Received a coding assignment…

Busiest Time in the Mall – Python

My 3rd question from Pramp. The Westfield Mall management is trying to figure out what the busiest moment at the mall was last year. You’re given data extracted from the mall’s door detectors. Each data point is represented as an integer array whose size is 3. The values at indices 0, 1 and 2 are…

Coding Challenge (Round 3)

Dang, so it’s been a month (I think) from my last blog post, but I reached my goal of solving 100+ algorithms a little over a week ago. If you count the mock interviews it would be 110. Honestly, this week I’ve been slacking. I think i’m burnt out.  Here is the YouTube video for…