Microsoft Apprenticeship: Learning C

  Hey everyone, still cannot believe I am currently an apprentice software developer at Microsoft. I made a video describing my experience thus far and my newest challenge of learning the C programming language. I intend to do a more organized How to Learn C video and post in the future (once I actually learn…

Flood Fill Algorithm | Python | DFS #QuarantineAndCode

Hello Everyone, I’d like to start a new series called “Quarantine and Code”. I saw the hashtag on twitter and it inspired me to do some tutorials while spending most of my time indoors. The algorithm I’ll be solving today is pretty famous. It’s a graph algorithm called Flood Fill and it’s very similar to…

Microsoft LEAP: Q&A

Yes, I am hype.   Still can not believe I finally got into this program. I’ve applied at least 5x since 2018. Anyhoo, I asked you all to send me some questions via Instagram about my first 3 weeks (the classroom portion) at Microsoft. You all came through so there’s lots to discuss. In fact,…

Talon Voice | Speech to Code | #Accessibility

Talon Voice Tutorial   Good Day Everyone! Today I want to bring to you all a software I found of use several months ago while battling idiopathic neuropathy (now healed). For about three weeks in March, I could not type without significant pain during my internship.  At the time, I thought it was Carpal Tunnel…

Sudoku Validator | Python w/ Tests

Hello, it has been a minute but I finally have a tutorial for you all: Sudoku Validator.  I first saw this question on (and yes I bombed it). I finally came up with a great solution that I feel is teachable enough. The question goes, “given a 9×9 grid, verify whether it is a…

Print Spiral Matrix Python

Hello Everyone, today’s algorithm is the unintuitive “Print Spiral Matrix”. My friend got asked this question from Squarespace two years ago and I finally decided to tackle it. I failed, but shout out to the internet for eventually giving me the answer. Personally, I’d rate this a LeetCode medium-hard. It’s also a question on Pramp….

Climbing Stairs | Python | Leetcode

  Hey everyone. I’d like to share a pretty popular Dynamic Programming algorithm I came across recently solving LeetCode Explore problems. It’s super cool. The algorithm asks us, given n (which is the staircase number/step), how many ways can we reach it taking only one or two steps at a time? Here is the video…

My 1st Month as an Intern

Hey you all, good news! I got an apprenticeship. A software engineering apprenticeship. Essentially, I get paid to learn 40 hours a week and be mentored. My apprenticeship is for several months too. So far it has been an absolutely amazing experience. All of my co-workers are so friendly and helpful. In the last month…

Dot File Basics: Aliases & Functions

*changes should be made in .bashrc file or .aliases file pulled into .bashrc.     Hello Everyone! Today I am bringing you some more super cool command line knowledge to help you work more efficiently in your bash terminal: Dot Files. It’s crazy how I have never used them before. I am learning so many…

Command Line Basics | Mac OS & Linux

Hello everyone! Today I’d like to share some of my favorite and most used bash commands. You will be a novice ninja once you learn these. Trust. You can watch the video or scroll down below   TERMINAL  COMMANDS   pwd Our first terminal command is “pwd”. Caps are irrelevant. What “pwd” does is tell…

The Next Best Thing

*Disclaimer: I wrote this post (and recorded the video) a few weeks ago and scheduled it to be posted today. I wasn’t sure if I should still post it since I’ve recently gotten an internship offer but I want you all to see where I was and what I was working on and planned to…

Rotate a Matrix In-Place (Python)

  Hello everyone, I finally have version 2 of our Rotation d’une Matrice (Rotation of a Matrix) and it is in-place. Yep, so no extra space. This code and explanation is A Lot shorter than version 1.  Version 2: Full Code First we define a function, rotate, with an argument, matrix. In our sample call statement,…